May Caption Contest

All are encouraged to enter captions to a photo in the Archives. The contest winner (as chosen by those sagacious heads at Caption Contest Central) will receive a Fabulous Prize.

No more will both Purdue and IU songs be sung at commencement. No more will the novel IUPUI collaboration be celebrated with voices raised together. Never again shall we celebrate in harmony what wags called a “shotgun wedding,” which created the state’s most comprehensive university. The product of one secret deal has been wiped out by another secret deal. IUPUI shall be no more!

But the Photo Caption Contest sings on! We commemorate the breakup with a photo of John Ruby* singing at the IUPUI commencement in 1975. What was he singing? Note Governor Otis “Doc” Bowen and IU President John W. Ryan flanking him, mumbling along. What were they thinking? What were they mumbling? You decide! And check out the logo in the background.

Caption this photo and you may win our unmatched Fabulous Prize!


Black and white photograph. A middle aged white man wearing glasses is standing a podium with microphones on it. His arms are raised and his mouth is open, as if he is singing or mid speech. There are three other white man behind him. Everyone is wearing graduation gowns. Behind them it's all black except for a white sign that has the word Indianapolis wrapped around two circular logos, one of IU the other Purdue.


Enter a caption today!