Women's Christian Medical College

Province: Shanghai Shi (municipality)
Alternate Names: 上海女子醫學院;上海協和女醫學校
City(preferred name): Shanghai
City: Shanghai
Sponsoring Organizations: American Mission Boards
Year: 1924

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Medical Faculty: full time 17; part time 14*; 32
Laboratory: Chemistry, Physiology, Pathology, Histology, Anatomy, Pharmacology, Embryology and Bacteriology, each with capactiy for 16*
Library: 1000 volumes of reference books, 30 periodicals*,700volumes of reference books, 32 periodicals*
Medium of Instruction: English*
General of Special Equipment: New residene for students with accomodation for 60 students; 200 bed hospital for women and children. A modern OPD
Students: 25*, 20(1928)
Graduate Students: 15*
Budget: $100,000 annually from mission boards. Hospital income, $80,000*

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