Indiana Muster, Pay and Receipt Rolls, War of 1812

This collection consists of Muster, pay and receipt rolls of Indiana territory volunteers or militia of the period of the War of 1812. They are in the form of four oversized bound volumes of photostats made by Leet Brothers Co. in 1926 from information in the U.S. Adjutant General's Office. According to the following note, "The U.S. Adjutant general states that these records do not include the names of soldiers of the regular army of the U.S. and member of the U.S. Rangers who enlisted from Indiana territory. The names listed...include Justices of the Peace, administrators, administratrices, clerk of court, witnesses, widows, attorneys, substitutes, etc."

The four physical volumes digitized here reside in the collection of the Genealogy Division, Indiana State Library. An Index was created by Genealogy Division staff and bound into Volume 1.


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